400 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Company: Bruker || Model: Neo console, Ascend magnet
1.6 mm Phoenix HX solids probe (8–40 kHz MAS), 5.0 mm Phoenix HX solids probe (1–12 kHz MAS), –75 to +125 °C, Phoenix MAS speed controller, gas-tight high-pressure rotors, 5 mm Bruker BBO solution probe with z-gradient (0.5 T/m)

700 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Company: Bruker || Model: Avance II console, Magnex magnet
Compatible with 900 MHz probes (see below)

900 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Company: Bruker || Model: Avance III console, Ascend pumped magnet
1.2 mm Phoenix HXY solids probe (xx–60 kHz MAS), 5.0 mm Phoenix HXY solids probehead (1–12 kHz MAS), –75 to +125 °C, Phoenix MAS speed controller, gas-tight high-pressure rotors, low-gamma box capable of reaching 12 MHz

Squid Magnetometer
Company: Quantum Design || Model: MPMS3
1.8 to 400 K, –7 to 7 T
AC, DC, and VSM magnetic measurements
AC electrical measurements, 10 µΩ to 10 MΩ

Synthesis Glovebox
Company: Vac || Model: Genesis
Nitrogen atmosphere, solvent-free, built-in 600 °C vacuum furnace in large antechamber, small antechamber, 0.1 mg balance

Battery Fabrication Double Glovebox
Company: Vac || Model: Genesis
Argon atmosphere, Hohsen coin cell crimper and disassembling tool, built-in 150 °C vacuum furnace in large antechamber, small antechamber, 0.1 mg balance, solvent filter

Battery Cycler
Company: Bio-Logic || Model: BCS-805
96 channels for battery cycling, 2032 and universal coin cell holders, ±150 mA, +5 V

Potentiostat/Galvanostat for Three-electrode Cell Testing
Company: Arbin || Model: MSTAT
8 channels, three-electrode 2032 and universal coin cell holders, ±1 A, ±5 V

Portable Potentiostat/Galvanostat w/ EIS (x2)
Company: Gamry || Model: Interface 1010E
Single-channel potentiostat/galvanostat with EIS from 10 µHz to 2 MHz

Battery Cycler
Company: Neware || Model: BTS-5V100mA
8 channels for battery cycling, coin cell holders, ±100 mA, ±5 V

Battery Cycler
Company: Neware || Model: BTS-5V6A
8 channels for battery cycling, pouch cell holders, ±6 A, ±5 V

Particle Size Analyzer
Company: Shimadzu || Model: SALD 7500nano
Particle size distributions from 7 nm to 800 µm

Ultrasonic Particle Size Separation
Company: Gilson || Model: AutoSiever
Ultrasonic particle siever with stainless-steel meshes from 149 to 20 µm and electroformed meshes of 15 µm, 10 µm, and 5 µm

Hydraulic Pellet Press
Company: AOT || Model: 30 T
Pellet press with 8, 13, and 25 mm stainless-steel dies

Hand Pellet Press (x2)
Company: AOT || Model: compact
Pellet press with 10 mm stainless-steel die, primarily for XAS sample prep or other low-density pellets, suitable for glovebox use

High-Energy Ball Mill
Company: AOT || Model: Shaker Mill, 300 W
High-energy ball mill with stainless-steel (80 mL), nylon (50 mL), and zirconia (50 mL) jars and milling media, 1200 rpm.

Planetary Ball Mill
Company: AOT || Model: Planetary Mill, 150 W
Compact ball mill compatible with benchtop or glovebox use. Stainless-steel (50 mL), nylon (50 mL), polyurethane (50 mL), and zirconia (50 mL) jars and milling media, tunable rotation and revolution rates.

Sand Blaster
Company: Grizzly || Model: T27157
20 gal. Husky silent electric air compressor. Walnut shell and ceramic bead blasting media.

1050 °C Box Furnace (x2)
Company: Across International || Model: 1.0 L, 700 W
High-temperature synthesis. Programmable heating and cooling rates.

1100 °C Box Furnace (x4)
Company: MTI || Model: 1.0 L, 950 W
High-temperature synthesis. Programmable heating and cooling rates. Three are in ambient air, one is housed inside synthesis glovebox. Alchrome heating elements.

1120 °C Electro-Melt Furnace
Company: Kerr || Model: 0.9 L, 850 W
High-temperature synthesis. Custom graphite crucibles. Designed to be hand-held for easy pouring of the melt directly from the furnace.

1200 °C Box Furnace
Company: AOT || Model: 4.5 L, 2000 W
High-temperature synthesis. Programmable heating and cooling rates. SiC heating elements.

1250 °C Tube Furnace (x2)
Company: Mellen || Model: 1.625" diameter x 6" heated length, 600 W
High-temperature synthesis, non-ambient environments, sealed tubes (incl. isotopic gas enrichment with rubber septa outside heated zone). Programmable heating and cooling rates.

1400 °C Box Furnace
Company: AOT || Model: 4.5 L, 3000 W
High-temperature synthesis. Programmable heating and cooling rates. SiC heating elements.

1700 °C Box Furnace
Company: AOT || Model: 4.5 L, 4000 W
High-temperature synthesis. Programmable heating and cooling rates. MoSi2 heating elements.

1750 °C Tube Furnace
Company: AOT || Model: 60 mm tube diameter, 5200 W
High-temperature synthesis, non-ambient environments. Gas flow and vacuum setups. Programmable heating and cooling rates. MoSi2 heating elements. ​​

250 °C Vacuum Drying Oven
Company: AOT || Model: 53 L, 1400 W

250 °C Drying Oven (x2)
Company: AOT || Model: 42 L, 1000 W

250 °C Drying Oven
Company: AOT || Model: 210 L, 3000 W

300 °C Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Oven (x2)
Company: Verder || Model: Carbolite-Gero 28 L, 1000 W
R38 digital PID controllers, Parr 125 mL and 23 mL acid digestion vessels with PTFE inserts.

Quartz Glassblowing Torch
Company: National Torch || Model: Hydrogen/Oxygen Type 3H
Used mainly for sealing quartz tubes under vacuum.

Gas/Vacuum Manifold
Company: tbd || Model: Five tap, liquid nitrogen cooled trap setup
Lines for isotope-labeled-gas enrichment, air-sensitive synthesis, vacuum drying. Mixed gas & flow control.

Crucibles, Reaction Vessels, Tubes
Alumina, zirconia, magnesia, boron nitride, zirconium, nickel, silver, 7.5%/92.5% copper–silver (sterling), platinum, 5%/95% ruthenium/platinum, graphite, PTFE, quartz

X-Ray Crystallography
UCSD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Urey Hall 5128
Bruker SCXRD (x3), Bruker D2 Phaser PXRD

Cohen Facility
UCSD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Pacific Hall
Bruker D8 PXRD, microwave synthesizer, BET, UV-Vis, FTIR

MRSEC Materials Characterization Facility
UCSD Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Pacific Hall 4140
four-point probe, BET, TGA-DSC-MS, DLS, FTIR, PLQY, Raman, ++

NanoEngineering Materials Research Center
UCSD Structural and Materials Engineering Building
Anton Paar XRD with high temp. (600
°C) stage, TGA, DSC, SEM

CMRR Materials Characterization Facility
UCSD Center for Memory and Recording Research
UV-Vis./NIR, SEM, Photocurrent, Hall Effect, Panalytical XPert XRD - Point and Line Source, Scanning XPS, Bruker D2 Benchtop PXRD, Rigaku Smartlab PXRD, AFM/MFM

Nano3 Facility
SEM, FIB–SEM, 200 keV TEM, AFM, Ebeam lithography, Ebeam evaporator, thermal evaporator, sputterer, ALD, CVD

Solution-state NMR Facility
UCSD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Pacific Hall 5140 & 6140
Bruker 300 MHz, Jeol 400 MHz (x2), Jeol 500 MHz, Varian 500 MHz (x2), Bruker 600 MHz, Bruker 800 MHz

Environmental and Complex Analysis Laboratory
UCSD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Urey Hall 1204
ICP-MS, mass spec, (U)HPLC, GC

Expanse Supercomputer
San Diego Supercomputer Center

Keck Supercomputer
UCSD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Urey Hall 2205

Chemistry & Biochemistry Stockroom
UCSD Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
1st Floor of Urey Hall

Chemistry Recharge Facility Rates (pdf)